Boot problems after cleaning


Sep 14, 2014
I opened my PC to clean it. I sprayed everything out with compressed air, took out the graphics card and sprayed it down too. Then I wiped the outside of the case with a cloth to get the dust off. Now I plugged everything back in, and it turns on, the fans spin, the graphics card lights up, and my blue yeti light is on, but my mouse light isn't on, my keyboard doesn't work, and there's no display to the monitor in either HDMI port on the GC or the HDMI port on the Mobo. It will also turn off then back on, on its own every once in a while.

I tried the reset button, unplugging the power supply and holding the power button down for a minute, unplugging and replugging the graphics card. I tried removing the battery, holding down the power for 30 seconds then trying to boot.

I would love some help figuring this out.


My Current Computer CPU: Intel Core i5 4690K w/ Hyper 212 Evo Mobo: MSI Z97 PC
Mate RAM: Corsair Vengeance 2x4GB SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB HDD: Western
Digital Caviar Blue 1TB GPU: Asus ROG Strix GTX 1070 Case: Inwin 303 PSU:
Corsair RM750x

Update: I jostled around some cables, checking connections. Now my KBM lights are on, but still no graphics signal/