Boot time doubled after installing program


Mar 5, 2017
This isn't really an issue, just an annoyance. My boot time was around 6 seconds constantly. I installed ITunes and the required .NET library, removed them both 2 days later and not my boot time nearly doubled to 11 seconds - but only sometimes. One day it will be 11, then 8, then 10, 6 again.
What gives? No virus, no malware, they where official downloads. I installed the program, deleted only what I installed and now the boot timing is all messed up.

Not only that but my system just seems slower in general (I have no proof of this part, it might just be my imagination)

System specs in my signature.

Figured it out, it was the AMD GPU drivers/programs.
The last 2 days it took 17 seconds steady and then today it kept crashing the driver at boot. Rolled back the driver and everything seems good, stable and took only 7 seconds which I haven't seen in about a week now.
Open task manager, click on "Startup" and see what programs are booting along with Windows. It's possible another program is in there and causing this issue. If you see a program in there that you don't recognize or want booting automatically then disable it.
Hello... Be careful to play OR experiment here... " this is the OS boot/start file... these are the needed OS services and your MB, audio, video drivers too... but you can "check mark" hide all Microsoft services to avoid looking/changing those.

Type MSCONFIG in the start-Search programs and files.
Figured it out, it was the AMD GPU drivers/programs.
The last 2 days it took 17 seconds steady and then today it kept crashing the driver at boot. Rolled back the driver and everything seems good, stable and took only 7 seconds which I haven't seen in about a week now.