boot up previous system hard disk from USB?


Aug 15, 2015

I've recently upgraded to an SSD for my system hard drive, and installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit from scratch on it.

I have connected the previous Hard Disk via USB.

Now I'd love to boot into the old Windows system and get some program settings and other stuff, but without having to swap the hard disks.

Is it possible to boot up the old Windows system which is connected via USB?

I've tried it a couple of times, but it hasn't worked out for now.. am I missing something, or is there a workaround for this?

Many Thanks for your help!
Is it possible to boot up the old Windows system which is connected via USB?

No. The USB connection is the killer here.
Windows really really does not like running from a USB. And it has to be set up that way during the install.