Booting from wrong drive.

Jul 29, 2018

So earlier on I was switching between hard drives to look for some old files. When I put my original one back in, the primary (C:) place had been taken by the boot/OS drive. Now i can't allocate C: to my HDD and all my files are having a meltdown because they can't find where to open from. Is there any way I can switch the two around? the C: drive won't let me change it around or anything.
Any help is much appreciated, Cheers.

I don't have multiple drives, I have the one. I'm guessing the one that took over the C: is a recovery drive of some sort. It's nothing big, it was never there until now. It appeared out of thin air so i'm unable to disconnect it or anything

"So earlier on I was switching between hard drives to look for some old files."

Completely unsure of what you've got going on.

Please post a screencap of your current DIsk Management window.

By switching through drives I meant physically unplugging and plugging another in. Never 2 in at the same time.


The 1TB was the primary C: drive before all of this, so now all of my shortcuts, files, even my downloads folder is just giving error messages because the file path has changed and the 250gb Is now the C: drive with nothing but the OS on it

Then you've done something very, very wrong.

That 1TB has no boot partition on it. At all.

I'm not sure how your system go to the place where it is now, but it is all wrong, if you think the 1TB Disk 1 is the OS drive.

The only thing I did was removed a hard drive and put another back in, and then again back to the original.. I think if I get the 1tB back to the C: everything will be alright but its seeming like its impossible at this point