borderlands 2 resolution "undefined"


May 1, 2012
it started two days ago: i go to the video options menu, choose my native resolution 1920x1080p, saves it, the game looks like it runs on 1080p resolution but on the resolution menu it shows that the resolution is "undefined". i don'y know why this happens, but all i know is that this might be the cause to the FPS dips i get lately when looking at certain directions (which started not long ago as well) no matter what resolution, what setting (low-ultra). i've tried deleting all the .ini files in the game's documents, i've uninstalled it and re-installed it (which of corse had me downloading the game again) and still nothing.
8GB ram
windows 8.1
drivers: 14.7 beta drivers
thanks for the help!!! :)


May 1, 2012
as a matter of fact i didn't know that! i only reposted this so people won't think it's fixed and ignored it. anyway, no the driver update die not help me. is there a place where they show up to date benchmarks for this game? i do remmeber having 60 FPS constant but it would be nice to confirm that.
pretty sure i'm right tough seeing how lowering the quality literaly doesn't change anything.
perhaps it's locked somehow?
A simple google search gave me this.

It's from 2012 though....
I don't think they keep this up to date.

Here is a 2013 one, though the list of cards is less.,3542-11.html

Just saw that yours is a mobile version of the 7970. Sorry about that.
I'm guessing this is your thread.

Searching over those forums, looks like Borderlands 2 refuses to run well on the 7970m.


May 1, 2012
hahah :D yeah that was indeed my thread... found that forum after going mobile. really helpful (most of the time;) )
anyway, after checking the actual fps using fraps it turns out that the numbers are actually rising- about 10 frames more when turning off some settings (ambient occlusion and FXAA are the ONLY ones that damaged my FPS).
however, the difference stays the same: if all on ultra, the FPS go between ~60-35. if all on low (or AO and FXAA are turned off) the FPS goes ~70-45 at the exact same areas. a 25 Fps difference no matter what. altough that sounds a lot, my monitor doesn't support more than 60 fps so that 70 doesn't mean anything.

the resolution, as it seems, doesn't change according to yor actual choices: when lowering to 800x600 for example, it would chage automatically to 1152x864 and the FPS wouldn't get such a big upgrade, still dips below 60 at the same area, even after siginificantly lowering the resolution.

altough we havn't fond a fix yet, i have to thank you for staying with me for so long! thank yo soo much, it means a lot.
Wow, that little of a difference in FPS, huh?

Looks like you've already turned off PhysX for the game. Perhaps this game was done with NVIDIA in mind, since PhysX seems like an important aspect of this game. Maybe other AMD cards show the same problem too.

But I still can't understand why the resolution isn't changing to the ones you select. Isn't there some config file or something, so that you can change the resolution?

After doing some google searches, I've found this thread.

Looks like you're not the only one facing such problems.

Since the problem occurred after you changed the resolution in-game, delete the files from 'Documents'. It should reset the graphical settings and should get playable again.

If you feel like you want to play the game at 1080p again, use this guide.


May 1, 2012
already know about those 2 links :/ i tried the forst one, didn't help. nothing changed. literaly nothing. i checked the files after a dmped them and closed the game, they were all there again. as for the second thing you sent, i know i'm on a laptop and all, but considering BF3 rns on ultra on above 50 fps avarage, i'd say i don't need to do all of those things B-)
Well, if it's a steam copy of the game, it's likely updated to the latest version. Otherwise, you can check it from the executable I think. Right click on the executable and under the 'Details' tab, there should be the version code.
Looks like the latest was 1.8.X.


I'm not sure if it can help, but have you tried disabling the launcher entirely?
Open the game's properties from the steam library and type in "-nolauncher" without quotes on the launch parameters.
Launcher and in-game settings are seen as two entirely different entities; if you changed a setting in-game, for example, it would ask you to save the new settings if you closed the game and reopened it later, actually reverting back to old ones.

As per benchmarks, I could reach 60+ fps on an i5-2500 paired up with an XFX Radeon HD 6870 DD (high settings, low physx, 1080p), and I can reach 150+ fps with my current i5-4670 paired up with an Asus R9 290x DCUII OC (maxed out, low physx, 1080p). I will try with my T4400 and 4570m, but I doubt I'll get anything out of it :D With a 7970m however, you should come slightly behind my 290x setup, unless there's some serious hardware conflict with the game...

Edit: Meh, not too shabby. A T4400 cpu and an ATI HD 4570m can run it at 25~50 fps on lowest settings @800x600, 4x filtering, with high dips in aiming transitions and roughly 4-5 minutes spent loading DLCs (got all except costumes)


May 1, 2012
lol oh god DAT SETUP! XD
havn't tried disabling the launcher! will try t out when i get home! as for the 7970m benchamrks, the 7870 is the desktop equivalent of my card so i don't thik i'm ever getting close to a 290X XD

nope. that no launcher thing did not work. what about CPU bottleneck? i've read that this plagues this game.


An i7 bottlenecking a 7970m? Nah, not a chance.
I suppose it's just an issue related to mobility Radeon chipsets and their drivers at this point, seen everything you went through with the help of gman450. Wouldn't be the first time I see something like this.

I'm honestly a bit biased about it, but even W8.1 can be considered an issue. That's just me hating the OS anyway, and all its weird background processing made on memory ;)
It's a shame you can't solve this, as it's a very nice game to play, and also doesn't make you lose interest too fast