Borderlands Pre-Sequel graphics issue on AMD GPU


Oct 16, 2014
I hate to make another physx thread, but honestly none of the other ones could answer my questions

I have a high end gaming rig, specs as follows:
i7-4770k @ 3.5 GHz
R9 280x @ stock
8 GB of 1600 RAM
game is installed on a separate SSD. Bioshock infinite is also installed on there and it runs fine.

Here's my problem: I cannot play pre-sequel at any kind of reasonable frame rate or graphics settings. The game is extremely laggy and does not load all the graphics in a timely fashion. I find it hard to believe my system can't handle this game, as I can play Infinite on higher than ultra settings and still get around 45-60 frames during run and gun scenes. I've installed and reinstalled the latest AMD drivers, I've tried editing the physx settings to both 0, 1, and 2. I've installed, unistalled, and reinstalled physx from NVIDIA. I've disabled and enabled integrated graphics from CPU, over clocked my GPU and still no change.

I'm really out of ideas as to what it could, but I know there has to be a fix because I've seen others with my identical rig playing it just fine.
Yes i've changed all the ingame stuff from low to medium to high to ultra. everything gives the same results. About the only improvement I can change seems to be strictly the resolution, but actual frame rate and load times are well below what they should be.