Bottle Neck???


Dec 26, 2010
I think I have a bottle neck need help

CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 245 Dual-Core Processor (2.9 GHz)
MOBO: ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO up to Phenoms+ HDMI, AMD 785G- - Redeon 4200 CrossFireX, 4 DDR3 Dua, SATA RAID, IEEE1394, Audio & GB Lan, USB2.0
RAM: Supertalent DDR3 2GB - 1333MHz - PC3-10600 X2
GPU: MSI PCI-E ATI R5450-MD1GH 1GB DDR3 Crossfire, GPU: 650MHZ, Mem C: 1600MHz, Mem Bus: 64bit, DUAL DVI, HDTV, TV-OUT, DIRECT X 11
HARD DRIVE: 150 Gig Seagate SATA 7200rpm

I know its old school Let me know where the crum is at. thanks
The newest games at higher resolutions are nearly always GPU bottlenecked, especially if at 1080P or above, although some cpu scaling occurs even at 1080P...; a dual core is adequate, but will likely always be at somewhat of a deficit compared to tri/quad core processors, but, eventually, even CF Radeons become too slow for some of the most demanding games, like Crysis. Perhaps a single 6970 might outperform the current pair, depending on your desired resolution.
The newest games at higher resolutions are nearly always GPU bottlenecked, especially if at 1080P or above, although some cpu scaling occurs even at 1080P...; a dual core is adequate, but will likely always be at somewhat of a deficit compared to tri/quad core processors, but, eventually, even CF Radeons become too slow for some of the most demanding games, like Crysis. Perhaps a single 6970 might outperform the current pair, depending on your desired resolution.