Bottleneck issue or not ?

The bottleneck will almost always be that GPU. Buying the i5-4690K isn't necessarily overkill though as a strong CPU is still important for many games, plus you can always get a better GPU later.

*You will want to carefully tweak your games. Let me give you two examples:

VSYNC OFF (screen tearing is a con):
1) run FRAPS and game
2) Tweak resolution, anti-aliasing etc and aim for at least 40FPS (or try setting with "GEFORCE EXPERIENCE" which tries to default to a 40FPS optimal setup)

ADAPTIVE VSYNC ON (auto turn vsync on and off above target)
1) run FRAPS and game
2) VSYNC OFF (for now)
3) for 60Hz monitor, tweak settings until you RARELY drop below 60FPS (10% or less)
4) force on Adaptive VSYNC (NVidia CP-> Manage 3D settings-> add game... save)
5) verify it stays at 60FPS most of the time

(May want to copy that for reference).

Good luck.