Bottleneck or no


Jul 19, 2015
Will a Intel i5 7600k with 16gb ddr4 at 2400mhz bottleneck a 1070 sc acx evga. Planning on throwing those in together but figured I would ask first
That's fairly well balanced.

Games vary on the proportion of CPU to GPU so there's no exact cut-off where a specific CPU or GPU is a bottleneck.

Games that are more demanding of the CPU will have at times a CPU bottleneck, and vice versa for the GPU.

Personally, I would spend the extra on an i7-7700K as some games are getting pretty demanding of the CPU (some MMO's in particular) and the future demands on the CPU are uncertain.

An R5-1600 Ryzen build is another consideration but there are pros and cons there (lower performance in games now, especially at 1080p but IMO a computer that will last longer than an i5-7600K).

If you game at 2560x1440 rather than 1920x1080 then the Ryzen build makes even more sense since the load is shifting towards the GPU.

Lots of videos and discussions online (though some info is out of date as Ryzen has improved since launch with BIOS updates etc).

I primarily play games like overwatch, league and sometimes oldie games off steam. To be honest I'm waiting till Destiny 2 specs and that will be probably the biggest game i would be playing. In 1080p 144hz.