Bottleneck problem, please help

Ken Wafflestein

May 11, 2014
Hey there, just a few months ago I got a new PC, its prett nice, fx 6350, gt 6302GB, 750 watt psu ( i know its overkill so shh.) 5400 rpm 320gb HDD, 8 gb ram (4 usable)

Recently I've been getting lots of lag with arma 2, I'd love to record at 40 fps but I get 20-30, Plus i need New fan & cpu cooler, and of course a gpu if its bottleneck and whatever else. Max budget is 200-250 thanks!
PS 1 fan runs at 6000-6500 rpm really annoying, not looking for watercooling dont even suggest it.
Well, for starters, your GPU isn't exactly top of the line... but I think you're suffering from your processor. I have the FX-6350 myself, and I run it overclocked at 4.4 GHz alongside my GTX 770, which is a fair bit more powerful than your 630. While playing ARMA 2, I often see framerates of around 30 FPS in many places. This is due to
1) the game being pretty terribly optimized (I have seen people get better framerates in ARMA 3 than in ARMA 2, now that's inefficient code!)
2) the processor is lackluster. I know that's not the most wonderful thing to hear, but the AMD FX series chips are simply not the most powerful for intensive games such as ARMA 2. Even people with top of the line Intel chips struggle to maintain 50-60 FPS in ARMA, but the lesser architecture of the AMD lineup hurts performance even more.

This information may not have exactly made you feel great, but to be honest, most people are happy to get 30 FPS in ARMA 2. In fact, thats roughly the average framerate, and your CPU is actually a fair bit better than the average Steam user! So I guess you can be happy about that!

TL;DR: I think the bottleneck lies in your CPU, especially if you get no FPS increase at low settings vs. medium or high, but just know that most people who play ARMA 2 usually don't have 60 FPS constantly, and it's not a game you do need that framerate all of the time.
You have good advice on here, but I also want to point out that your OS may be causing a bottleneck based on this comment you made in your OP: " I got a new PC [with] 8 gb ram (4 usable)."

That usually means you are on a 32 bit version of Windows. Check whether you are running the 32 or 64 bit version.

That's a pretty major bottleneck. Today's modern games on just about any settings should have at least 8gb. Upgrading your OS to the 64 bit version would definitely be worth while.

Hey, its me Ken Wafflestein on my different account, just wanted to say I'll get 64 bit as soon as I can get my utorrent working 😛, thanks for all the help guys. I will be picking a solution tomorrow.