I get tired of seeing the term bottleneck as i know you do as well, a bottleneck can be viewed from 2 different perspectives, the CPU could be bottleneck'n the GPU or vice versa, the GPU could be bottleneck'n the CPU, but what if the CPU is already maxed out and the GPU is 1 size or more too (powerful), i hope you would not call that a bottleneck as the CPU cannot be increased to match the processing power of the GPU, instead that would be a simple case of overkill on the part of the GPU, my question is would a GPU that is considered overkill be considered a benefit or detriment to the CPU, am sure the distinction to be made lies somewhere between the benchmark we are basing against, is the program in question CPU or GPU intensive, are we viewing the problem from the CPU's POV or the GPU's POV, it's a complicated question i know..