Question Bottleneck


Jun 16, 2019
I currently have i5 3350p and gtx 1050 2gb. Planning to buy evga or gigabyte gtx 1060 6gb. How big would the bottleneck be?

PC Tailor

Bottleneck is an overused term and is completely dynamic. It completely depends on the application. No one component is "always" the bottleneck. In CPU intensive applications, your CPU will bottleneck, in GPU intensive applications, your GPU will bottleneck.

Is there one software or anyone that can tell you what exactly will bottleneck? No.
Because bottlenecks are not only hardware dependant, they are completely application dependant.

As a general rule:
  • The "bottleneck" calculators online are useless.
  • No component works the same.
  • Bottlenecks will completely change depending on how you use the system.
So it largely depends on what you want to do and what resolution you might be playing at, if you're referring to gaming1080p - overall I'd say if you're looking at 1080p gaming, it should be a pretty good match, your CPU may just be the limiting factor on newer titles. But nothing extraordinary.