"Bottlenecking" is used FAR too much in reference to....

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I think this tech term is being well over used, is far too misunderstood, and most buyers have absolutely ZERO reason to be concerned with it.
By and large I feel like the only people that need to be concerned with the possible situation are those seeking the absolute highest frame rate possible (even when it comes within variance).

if you've seen my posts about the issue around the forum, you'll of course see i agree completely. it's just not a big deal for most users. people spend a month here talking back and forth about how to "balance" a perfect system when it is not possible.

just build the system you can afford and then sit back and enjoy it and stop worrying about who gets 10 more fps than you :)

i start with the cpu i need to do the work i intend. then make sure there is enough ram for the jobs i want to do. grab a mobo that can handle it and then get the storage, case, cooling you need. finally with what is left of your budget get the best gpu/psu combo you can to round out the system.

when it all shows up, build it and then enjoy it!!

that's all the thinking you need to do. unless you are trying to use a $50 dual core cpu with a $1000 gpu, then there won't be any reason to second guess things.
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God I wish this term would go away. And the people who reference "the bottleneckr" that piece of crap calculator, or those who just spout nonsense about a "massive bottleneck" which has 0 effect on gameplay. Losing 10 fps when you're getting 150 is meaningless.
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God I wish this term would go away. And the people who reference "the bottleneckr" that piece of crap calculator, or those who just spout nonsense about a "massive bottleneck" which has 0 effect on gameplay. Losing 10 fps when you're getting 150 is meaningless.

It even more fun when they say along the lines of:

My system is only getting 250 Frames, why.
It comes out later that they have a 60hz monitor.
I try not to complain about the term being thrown around so much. Emphasis on try.

But, I've given more than my share of rants about it... to the point where I was starting to sound like a broken record. I'm sure the regulars got sick of me repeating that same bit over and over again. 😆
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