Question Bottlenecking with RTX?

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Deleted member 2730916


Here's my current build.

CPU: Intel i5 4690k 3.5 GHz Quad Core
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
Motherboard: MSI z97 PC MATE
Memory: 16 gigs ddr3 1600 8x2
Storage: Western Digital 1 TB 7200RPM
Case: Corsair Spec-01 ATX Mid Tower
Power Supply: Corsair - CX 500 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi Modular Power supply
Case Fans: 3 case fans

So, if I replace my GPU with an RTX 2060 do you think my CPU will bottleneck my CPU? My CPU is currently clocked at 3.5 GHz and although I don't know if the clock speed helps bottlenecking, I'm willing to overclock my CPU to maybe 4.0. What do you thinK?
Two answers, yes and so what.

Yes:- my 3570k at 4.3 struggles in some games, where more than 4Cores are needed, is it a true bottleneck, probably not, but it's either playable or almost unplayable depending on what's going on, with a 970, so with a 2060 that'll still happen the CPU would still limit what the GPU can do.

So what:- there's always a bottleck, if you buy a GPU that matches perfectly to your CPU then when you upgrade the CPU nothing happens in terms of performance.
Two answers, yes and so what.

Yes:- my 3570k at 4.3 struggles in some games, where more than 4Cores are needed, is it a true bottleneck, probably not, but it's either playable or almost unplayable depending on what's going on, with a 970, so with a 2060 that'll still happen the CPU would still limit what the GPU can do.

So what:- there's always a bottleck, if you buy a GPU that matches perfectly to your CPU then when you upgrade the CPU nothing happens in terms of performance.

Yah well, my experience is exactly the opposite.

I haven't been able to find a game that benefits from more than 4 physical cores, so I have HT in my 4770k permanently OFF. It saves power, heat and increases OC headroom.

I also haven't been able to find a game so far that causes my 4770k@4.55 GHz to struggle either, GTAV included.

I play at 3440X1440 and I own a GTX 1080. Idk what games and at what resolutions cause your OC IB chip to struggle.
So far strictly both the division and division 2, kind of like this suggests

i3 8100 4C, massively slower than the 8400 6C at 1080p.

and here

The age of 4C 4T is dying in my opinion.

No, it isn't dying.

Here's why:


The above is a screenshot of the current Steam Survey.

56% of the global playerbase is on 4C CPU's, 27.58% is on 2C CPU's and only 11% is on 6C+ CPU's.

Every game currently in the market has been designed for optimally running with 4C CPUs. IMO the supremacy of 6C+ CPU's is overblown and I got the data to prove it.