It seems every other post these days is will xxx cpu bottleneck yyy graphics card, well folks you (yes you the poster) are the only ones who can really answer your own question as there is not black and white answer, everything is dependent on what app / game and what settings you wish to play on. So without further ado, the following is the simple guide to establishing if one component will bottleneck the other (CPU / GPU).
Take the game you wish to play / are having performance issues with and set the graphics setting to the lowest possible option (800x600 with everything turned off if needs be) - and see if you have acceptable performance. At this low setting you will almost always be CPU limited, unless you have a really mismatched GPU, and this can be taken as a base line. If performance at this setting is OK, then your CPU is fine, period, end of.
Next step up the graphics to max you are comfortable with frame rates, as the frames drop you are now GPU limited, and if the performance drops off to far before you get to the resolution you are aiming for, then yes a new graphics card should be on the shopping list.
But - on the other hand if the fames remain stubbornly low whatever resolution / graphics you choose, then the CPU is your next purchase.
Take the game you wish to play / are having performance issues with and set the graphics setting to the lowest possible option (800x600 with everything turned off if needs be) - and see if you have acceptable performance. At this low setting you will almost always be CPU limited, unless you have a really mismatched GPU, and this can be taken as a base line. If performance at this setting is OK, then your CPU is fine, period, end of.
Next step up the graphics to max you are comfortable with frame rates, as the frames drop you are now GPU limited, and if the performance drops off to far before you get to the resolution you are aiming for, then yes a new graphics card should be on the shopping list.
But - on the other hand if the fames remain stubbornly low whatever resolution / graphics you choose, then the CPU is your next purchase.