Bottom mounted PSU fan facing the gpu fans and exhaust hot air


Jun 17, 2018
I currently facing my psu fan in the bottom of the case which intakes fresh air but i am having problem with my graphics card because i think it cant exhaust hot air properly because my matx case is quite small and my gpu is too large (Asus RX580 8GB Strix OC 3 fan card) resulting in rising of temperature of the other components. I'm thinking of making the psu fan face upwards and suck gpu hot air and exhaust it outside the case. Is it a bad idea ?

CPU: Ryzen 5 2600x
CPU Cooler: ID-Cooling se-214 RGB
MOBO: MSI B350m Bazooka
RAM: G.Skill Trident Z 3200mhz cl16
GPU: Asus RX580 8GB Strix OC
PSU: Silverstone Strider Plus 500w Fully Modular
FANS: 3 intakes and 3 exhaust
Case: Tecware Nexus M (MATX case)

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Not the side tempered glass removed, what I meant was the solid front panel (where the front fans are). If the solid front panel is removed, the front fans will have an unobstructed airflow. Have you tried removing such solid front panel while retaining the side tempered glass installed?

See here:

And yes, the temps are evidence that the case is badly designed in airflow (only aesthetics, for some).

i get around 75c on my new gpu and almost 70c for cpu now.
i just upgraded my gpu since i found a great deal on it but before my cpu temps were around 50-60c and my old 1050 ti was around 60c. My case also gets burning hot that i cant touch it for a long duration of time. This only occurs when im gaming for a long period of time.

cfm? u mean the case fan speed? i just leave it auto and not connect it to fan headers. should i connect it and mess with the fan curves?

i see. i forgot to put in the description that i leave my fans at auto since i didnt connect them to the fan header. Should i connect it and adjust the fans to max speed?

The Nexus M case has poor intake airflow (solid front panel with very small intake slats on the front panel's right side; no intake slats on the left) - hence, the front intake fans may be choking that causes your high interior temps.

Before you consider a case, have you tried removing the front panel and perform a temperature test? Compare the temps with the panel on and the panel removed. If there's a considerable difference, then, your case is the culprit.

If so, I'd suggest looking for a better airflow case, even an mATX case if you are concerned with the aesthetics, such as ones with full mesh front panel (with dust filters).
I take it you have the 3 intake fans on the front, 2 exhaust fans on top and one exhaust on the rear? And what sizes are they? And are you using the stock Wraith Spire cooler for your CPU, or something else? Honestly, I would think that should be enough of cooling to keep the temperatures for your components reasonable. And those temperatures aren't exactly bad.

Looking at the case though, it does appear to have rather restricted airflow coming into the front intake fans. It looks like there's only some thin slats along one side of the front edge to get air in. If that's the situation, you probably already have negative pressure inside the case, and more exhaust probably isn't going to help much, especially at the bottom of the case, since warm air tends to rise.

You might try experimenting with fan orientations. If the two top fans are currently configured to both exhaust, maybe try flipping the front one to bring air in. Since that will likely create positive pressure, you could then remove the PCI slot covers below your graphics card, allowing a path for more air to exit the case, so that warm air is less likely to build up below the card, and more of it can directly exit out the rear rather than warming your CPU.

Thanks for the suggestion. i will definitely try that before i decide to buy a new case.

yes, that is my current fan orientation and they are 120mm fans rated at 1300rpm. Im using ID-Cooling SE-214 rgb air cooler for my cpu. I will definitely try changing my fan orientation and see if it improves my temps. Thanks for that suggestion.

Yeah, I am thinking that could help with a tower cooler in that case. If that one front top fan were flipped to intake, it should feed more cool air directly in front of the tower cooler's fan, giving it a supply of air that's not been warmed as much by other components. More often, it tends to be better to keep any top fans as exhaust, again due to warm air's natural tendency to rise, but with the restricted airflow in front, you currently have plenty of exhaust, but probably not enough air coming in.

I tried changing one exhaust fan to intake and it cooled down my gpu a little bit. I tried playing games for hours and my max cpu temp was still around 70c and gpu temps at 73c. Is this temps already on the safe level?
i decided that i will just remove the tempered glass side panel when im gaming until i buy a new case because it suddenly shuts down now when im gaming. I think the gpu exhaust is overheating the psu becuase the hot air directly goes to the psu. Thank you all for the answers really appreciate it.

when theres glass on my gpu temps was around 75c and cpu was 70c but when i remove the glass i get 60c or less on both cpu and gpu.

Not the side tempered glass removed, what I meant was the solid front panel (where the front fans are). If the solid front panel is removed, the front fans will have an unobstructed airflow. Have you tried removing such solid front panel while retaining the side tempered glass installed?

See here:

And yes, the temps are evidence that the case is badly designed in airflow (only aesthetics, for some).