bottom mounting 2 fans in the corsair 450D with hx750 psu


Dec 30, 2014
I've been searching on google for a bit and i cant seem to find if your actually able to mount 2 fans in the bottom. the corsair website says you can mount them on the bottom. however when i was watching someones video on building in the 450D and they mentioned that you wouldnt be able to mount 2 fans in the bottom with many high power psu's. can someone that knows more about this shed some light on this?

this is only my second time posting here so if i didn't get the category right, sorry.

It should work. A larger PSU would be something like an AX1500i.

whats standard atx size for a psu?
would the corsair hx750 work with 2 fans?
would i have to remove the drive cage or move it so its hanging from the 5.25" bays in order to mount the fan that goes underneath it?

It should work. A larger PSU would be something like an AX1500i.

They are designed to be quiet when intaking from grills. They are also more flexible than the AF120's so you could use them for an air cooler or radiator if ever want to. You could get the AF120 if you want but they will be slightly louder. I believe the Noctua NF-S12B also works well here. Its up to you.

ok ill look around. thanks for your replies .:bounce:

No problem :)