[SOLVED] Bought a Refurb Samsung 870 QVO. Question about Used Hours


Jul 16, 2018
So I bought a Geek Squad Refurb 2TB 870 QVO. I've heard reports of people buying these with higher usage.

I was told to install CrystalDiskInfo to see if the used numers are acceptible.

I am not familiar with SMART and what these numbers mean so at first install I ran CrystalDIskInfo but didn't have any info and neither did Samsung Magician. I then told Minitool partition to do a surface wipe. I had never done it before and it was taking longer than I thought. I actually thought surface wipe was the same thing as formating the drive. I stopped the wipe at 6% and ran CrystalDiskInfo again and now both DiskInfo and Magician give me this:

And Sam Magician gave me this:

Does this mean the SSD is practically unused and no need to worry? Only has 90 day warranty btw. And is the drive legit? Anything alarming to you guys?
It could matter because of the TBW warranty.
The 2TB 870 QVO warranty TBW is 720TBW/3 years.

That drive has consumed 80GB.

Assuming that 720TBW is actually consumed in exactly those 3 years running 24/7 (it won't be, but just for discussion), that 80GB has cut the warranty lifespan by 2.6 hours.
0 hours, powered up 7 times, and 80GB written to it. Which is presumably what YOU have written to it.

Yes, basically new.

However, just like any other storage device...this needs a comprehensive backup routine.
Yeah the 80GB came from the surface wipe I told Minitool to run without really understanding what it did. Stupid I know.
What kind of process do you recommend for a backup routine? Windows inbuilt backup going to a external HD?
The Windows backup it woefully inadequate. IMHO, anyway

I use Macrium Reflect.
That's not what I meant. If the smart data has been rewritten, it's possible the drive has far more than 80tbw in actuality. And depending on the method the warranty department uses to check tbw, it could impact warranty coverage.

It's just a possibility that crossed my mind.
That's not what I meant. If the smart data has been rewritten, it's possible the drive has far more than 80tbw in actuality. And depending on the method the warranty department uses to check tbw, it could impact warranty coverage.

It's just a possibility that crossed my mind.
It only has a 90 day warranty anyway, so any TBW number is out the window.
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Has this SSD been refurbished by Samsung and then sold by Geek Squad, or has Geek Squad done the refurbishing themselves? If the latter, then I doubt that Geek Squad has the ability to reset the SMART data. That would require specialist knowledge or expensive professional tools.