bought cable internet but how do i

Feb 21, 2017
hello kind folks, i recently had free cable internet for three months till they removed my services and turned my line into a 1 way connection so i purchased the internet. i mean i have to have it. only thing is it will cost 50 bucks i dont have for an install and take an additional 7 days.. i paid for the service, i just can not wait for them to hook it up. modem is provisioned, have 1 way connection, which wires do i cross or filter do i remove to make it a 2 way connection? please help people as i am losing money every day not having a proper internet connection (using mobile data in canada is expensive) and can not afford to have them come out to do something i am capable of doing... please help!!!! inside my ground box is (you guessed it) only a ground. i checked thre for a filter before i came to bother you nice people
First off, it is agaisnt forum policy to tell you how to bypass your ISPs security measures, we have no way of knowing if you did or do not pay for service and even then that really does not matter for the rules.

Cable is coax, there is litereally only 1 wire in it, there is 1 way or 2 way connection and anything the ISP put on the line to limit access is not anything you can do at your end to modify anyway.

If internet was sooo important then you should have contacted ISP before your illegal service connection was disrupted.
lol thanks for the advice. i could post my receipt to img shack or something if you dont believe me. i originally had thought they removed my mac from the database but when i signed up for new service they cant no truck the install. so what you're saying is basically that since there is one line it must be filtered and since the filter isn't in my box its most likely on the pole and the only way to restore service would be to remove this filter from said pole

(by the way i was paying for service i forgot to change my address and instead of telling me to change it they accepted payment and tried to cut my services so i felt entitled to the free internet cause they were being dicks) its not against forum policy to tell me how to do something i payed for. its against forum policy to help me steal cable. im not stealing it as i stated i paid for the service

my modem is provisioned on the network so instead of telling me there is no way to do it from my house when they need to send a tech to my house to do it when this is completely false information why not just tell me its illegal like everyone else. then at least you're telling the truth