Bought Team Group Ram That Came Defective Now They Wont Replace it because I removed the Warranty Stickers

Oct 15, 2018
I bought a Team T Force Vulcan DDR4 3000 mhz 2 x 8 gb Ram Kit from outlet PC and it came Defective :/
I contacted both Team Group USA and Outlet PC to get my ram replaced and they both stated they cant because I removed the warranty stickers.
I searched online and saw that warranty stickers don't matter if the unit is defective, that its the manufacturers responsibility to replace defective units. And Outlet PC representative also agreed with me in this aspect.
Am i in the right? Should i take this all the way with the FTC if Team Group doesn't replace my defective unit?
For the most part yes warranty stickers are meaningless and unless the law changed the manufacturer is obliged to service/repair the device or part. I would contact them again and tell them that they can either stand by their warranty or you will be making a FTC claim against them for it. If you google "Warranty Stick removal" or Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act you will come up with alot on the subject.

One last thing, don't threaten with a lawsuit or legal action in any way, just inform them that you will contact the FTC if they don't honor the warranty. If you bring any sort of legal issue into most companies have a policy of stopping the call and directing you to their legal department on the spot.