Brand new build with weird and unsettling cpu temps.


Nov 28, 2014
Just built a new PC
Gigabyte UD3H
GTX 970
Noctua D14
760w PSU
2 in case fans
and the cpu seems to be running at high temperatures. At idle (browsing the web) it sits at 30°C when I play League it will be around 40-60, but when I play CounterStrike:GO at high settings (highest is ``very high``) it is 70-90 and that is where it really worries me. So first off it used to idle at like 40-50 then I took off the CPU cooler and moved the paste around (I think it had a little too much possibly) then it idled at 30°C fairly steadily so I thought I fixed the problem but then after a game of counterstrike I see a max temp of the CPU pushing 90°C. The second I switch screens from a game to normal it goes back down fairly fast but when I play with the temps showing in the background they are at a steady 70-80 or more. The thermal paste btw is the noctua paste that came with the cooler, im using core temp to monitor the temperature, and the position of the fans is as follows

-------fin tower---------
-------fin tower---------

then a case fan to the left of the CPU cooler, the air is going bottom to top through the cooler. Any suggestions would be great.
I tried reseating the cooler with a fresh layer of thermal paste, I feel like the problem is still there. I tried running prime95 after reading some other threads talking about there 4790k overheating. The second I clicked start it shot up to 95°C so I just immediately stopped it. I also tried going into my bios and turning up the fans but I also found out the D14 has set fan speeds also since it is a three pin. I just have no clue what to try, it still idles at 30°C with the new paste on and when im playing games 60-85°C.

EDIT: I ran the small FFT in prime 95 which caused the 95°C temp, I just ran the blended test and it was sitting at a constant 80°C.
With two fans, cable management does interfere with airflow, I.e. higher temps. Seeing as you just finished this build:

Is your cable management solid? Does it look like a miniature Tarzan can swing through your case?

(Probably not your main problem)

It does sound like you need to clean your chip and heat sink (I use 91 percent alcohol and coffee filters). Its messy but it works.

Also, dont use too much paste. Less is more. I dont know how you apply, whether pea or line, but try pea, its my recommended application of paste.

Let us know; no way an I7 should reach those temps stock on something like CS.

Maybe your bios has some sort of fan quieter thats limiting your fans from cranking. Worth checking out.

What is your ambient temperature?

Regardless, here's at least one known problem:

Core i 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation CPU's have AVX (Advanced Vector Extension) instruction sets. Recent versions of Prime95 run AVX code on the Floating Point Unit (FPU) math coprocessor, which produces unrealistically high temperatures. The FPU test in the software utility AIDA64 shows the same results.

Here's the solution:

It's not necessary to run AVX code for thermal testing. Prime95 v26.6 produces temperatures on 3rd and 4th Generation processors more consistent with 2nd Generation, which also have AVX instructions, but do not suffer from thermal extremes due to having a soldered Integrated Heat Spreader and a 35% larger Die.

Please run Prime95 version 26.6 -

Your Core temperatures will be 10 to 20C lower.

Here's the specs and some info:

4th Generation 22 Nanometer: 4790K (TDP 88W / Idle 2W)

Standard Ambient = 22C
Tcase (CPU temp) = 74C <--- Thermal Specification
CPU / Core offset + 5C
Tjunction (Core temp) = 79C
Tj Max (Throttle temp) = 100C

At Standard Ambient 22C, here's the typical operating range:

80C Hot
70C Warm (Heavy Load)
60C Norm
50C Norm (Medium Load)
40C Norm
30C Cool (Idle)

Also, please give this Tom's Sticky a read: Intel Temperature Guide -


CT :sol:
I reseated the cooler again (third time) after playing CS I didnt break 80°C on any core as a max but I did get close, but the stress test (blended) is still at 80°C even using this other version as mentioned below

"Please run Prime95 version 26.6 -"

I ordered some new paste just to test it out. My ambient temperature I would say is pretty normal its like 10°C outside and I dont have my heater turned on. So what ever that might be.

Is it possible to have a temp sensor error? Also another theory of mine is, is the cooler to close the graphics card? Maybe the warm air from that is just not helping the situation.
According to Intel's Data Sheets, Core sensor accuracy is +/-5C, so there could be a 10C spread between the highest and lowest Cores. Regardless, it's always possible to have a DTS sensor or two which may perform outside their published specifications.

If your graphics card has Axial rather than Linear cooling, then it's creating and recirculating heat inside your case. Also, your case may not have adequate air flow. How's your cable management?

If you read the Temperature Guide, then you might want to run the load and idle tests to get your thermal benchmarks. Be sure to follow each test setup as closely as possible.

CT :sol: Here are some pics of my case and cable management. My GPU is axial (Gigabyte GTX 970)
I was reading another thread and someone said to have the fans vertically (perpendicular to the GPU) im going to re mount it and see how it is.

Also I followed the steps doing the idle test and all of that. I cant calculate my ambient temperature because I dont have a thermometer. But my idle is like 25-35. Just ran the stress test again to get the numbers. for the small FFT it was at 95 so I just closed the program basically right away, the large fft was 85-90, and blend is 75-85, counter strike is 70°C.
BTW thanks to everyone so far for the suggestions.
Also my max voltage is around 1.46, just want to make sure that is normal for the i7-4790k.
Another thing I want to add is that when I go to a new website or basically open anything for a second or two my temps go from 30°C at idle to 50°C and then back down right away, dont know if that is normal for a high GHz CPu or not. Is there anything in the bio I can change that has to do with temps or something?