Brand New Computers Freezes Investigation


Mar 21, 2016

I have an environment with 7 pcs runing Windows 7. All ok, no problems!

We bought 3 new pcs for replacement. HP All-in-One 23' core i5 8GB Windows 8. Far more powerfull than the older ones.
Running Office 2010, some PDF printing software. Wired network.

Since the begining those 3 machines starts to frezze. Not necessarily at same time and even Ctrl+alt+del didnt work, no taskmanager.
All the sudden they come back, like magic, perfect. Sometimes we made a hard reset since it never comes back.

Shots i tried:

1 - Upgraded 2 pcs to Windows 10 - No results
2 - Performance tweaks, including HP support - No results
3 - Tried Wifi connection instead wired - No results.
4 - Tried replacing one pc with a Lenovo All-in-one, same configuration, same apps. This also freezes, same way!?

All other pcs on network works fine.

My 4 shot freezes just minutes ago, so i think that this is not a HP problem.

Can someone imagine what is going on? I dont have the older 3 pcs to test but i think that it may be related to Win8/10 together with Outlook 2010 since it is always opened when the crash occurs. All 3 pcs are always running something like 4 IMAP (Google Apps) accounts syncing. My 5 shot is to close Outlook to see if works any better.

Those 3 pcs are a little far from the rest of the others but i imagine that this is not the issue since i never saw a network problem freezing the machine completely like this.

I tried to monitor somehow using perfmon but dont suceeded to retrieve some readable data, dont know how to do it.

Thanks a lot for your help!
Look at the Event Viewer logs in all three systems.

May take you a few minutes to orient yourself to the logs and how the information is presented.

Right clicking an individual log entry may provide more information/details.....

In any case, just explore the logs at first but look for errors and warnings - especially any with an error code. That code will help identify or narrow down the problem.

Perfmon /rel is a bit handier to work with if you have not tried that per se.

Look at the Event Viewer logs in all three systems.

May take you a few minutes to orient yourself to the logs and how the information is presented.

Right clicking an individual log entry may provide more information/details.....

In any case, just explore the logs at first but look for errors and warnings - especially any with an error code. That code will help identify or narrow down the problem.

Perfmon /rel is a bit handier to work with if you have not tried that per se.
