Brand New Gigabyte R9 390 Random black screening and flickering


Sep 16, 2015
As I type this, the screen is flickering a bit, and sometimes just turns black for a couple seconds. The card is a brand new Gigabyte G1 Gaming R9 390, PSU is Corsair RM1000. Motherboard is ASUS Sabertooth P67, CPU is i7-3770. I have made sure all power cables are plugged in correctly. Output is via DisplayPort to a 28inch 4k Acer monitor. Does anyone know what exactly is going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)
i believe, that your troubles were solved because you had to clean install drivers after you reinstalled your OS. it doesn't make sense that windows 7 would have problems which could be solved by windows 8.1
i did Clean install with windows 7 to i even tried it on two differrent drives but it didnt help i was ready to ship this back but tried win 8 and it worked right away i agree that it dont make sense maybe tdr delay works in a different way on windows 8 because i was crashing in 2d mode on win 7 when i managed to get a game or Movie going it didnt crash it was opening a browser and simple stuff that crashed it was like the driver didnt get loaded properly after boot