Question Brand new HP laptop. CPU fan will randomly ramp up to 100% while idling/web browsing


May 9, 2010
I received my brand new laptop from HP yesterday (17-cp3000). The CPU fan seems to ramp up to 100% quiet often while doing light work like web browsing or simply idling. HWMonitor shows that the CPU (Ryzen 7 7730u) idles at around 52 degrees and will spike up to 80 degrees with the slightest load (up to 20% load). Is this normal? Any time there is a slight load on the CPU the fan will ramp up to 100% for about 10 seconds, which quiet annoying as the fan makes high pitched noise.


Mar 3, 2015
I received my brand new laptop from HP yesterday (17-cp3000). The CPU fan seems to ramp up to 100% quiet often while doing light work like web browsing or simply idling. HWMonitor shows that the CPU (Ryzen 7 7730u) idles at around 52 degrees and will spike up to 80 degrees with the slightest load (up to 20% load). Is this normal? Any time there is a slight load on the CPU the fan will ramp up to 100% for about 10 seconds, which quiet annoying as the fan makes high pitched noise.
Maybe it's normal. That CPU in a cramped space with other components generating heat.
Have you run any utilities like HMmonitor? See what the temps are before you become a worry wart for no reason.


May 9, 2010
So I found a way to stop the CPU fan from ramping up to 100% every few minutes. Apparently the CPU comes boosted from the manufacturer and there is a way to set it to Efficient mode or completely disable the boost. I stumbled onto a video that explains how to enable this option via RegEdit. Once the option is enabled via RegEdit, you can then change the CPU power from aggressive to Efficient in the Power plan settings. The CPU will run a lot cooler. Before setting it to efficient the CPU temps would be around 52 while idling. After setting it to Efficient, I was getting 40-42 degrees while idling. It definitely makes a big difference.

Here is the video.