I just bought a new pc, and updated my graphics card and everything. but when i try to play h1z1 kotk, i get to the main menu and it drops to 15 fps. it eventually boots me from the game and says that my graphics card isn't good enough to play on it or my drivers need to be updated. however when i play Playerunknowns battle grounds, i can play at 55-60 fps no problems at all.
GeForce gtx 1060
2x8gb ram
i7-7700 3.6 GHz
motherboard: asus prime h270-plus
i already opened the GeForce experience and updated my graphics cards and i've contacted multiple other sites and they say i don't have to update any other drivers. I also have windows 10 64 bit and it runs fine. can someone please help. im not a huge fan of pubg and just wanna get back to h1
GeForce gtx 1060
2x8gb ram
i7-7700 3.6 GHz
motherboard: asus prime h270-plus
i already opened the GeForce experience and updated my graphics cards and i've contacted multiple other sites and they say i don't have to update any other drivers. I also have windows 10 64 bit and it runs fine. can someone please help. im not a huge fan of pubg and just wanna get back to h1