Brand New Rig is not playing well with Windows 10


Oct 6, 2014
I have a clean install of Windows 10 on a custom PC that's just 4 days old. And since the first session, it's been a nightmare. BSODs every half hour.
The BSODs showed Security_Kernel_Check_Failure and Corrupt_Pool_Memory stop codes. I saw by googling that this was a common issue caused by driver conflict or incompatibility so I uninstalled and reinstalled and updated the drivers to no avail.
So I reset Windows 10 but the BSODs did not stop.
I ran a Driver verifier stress test for a while to check for driver issues and the realtek audio driver failed a few times but I don't think that's the cause of the regular BSODs.
I managed to stop the BSODs by swapping RAM slots. But now games are crashing to desktop without an error message or anything of the like. I've tried the Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 2 so far both of whom are incredibly unstable and just force quitting to desktop. Any idea what's going on? I've googled enough to know I'm not alone in this issue but all the methods I've tried haven't helped.
I also feel like loading times and stuff have slowed down a bit.
I've noticed that Chrome and some other apps have also been crashing pages quite a bit.

Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
MSI X470 Gaming
AMD Ryzen 2600x
A single stick of 16GB DDR4 2400ghz
480gb Kingston SSD
2TB Seagate HDD
1TB WD Black HDD
GTX960(I swapped this out with a GTX1030 a couple of times to see if the BSODs would stop)

I'll share the DMP files from the BSODs on request.

Update: I just had a BSOD for Attempted_to_write_to_Read_only_memory

Update 2: Got another "Memory Management" error. How do I know this isn't an issue related to my SSD?

Update 3: As forum user SkynetRising has advised, I've changed latency and command rate values in the BIOS to see if it resolves issue. Will update this after period of testing. Many thanks to all. If anyone else has advice, please reply, I will keep checking in on this thread.

Also, please find more details regarding RAM and such in the replies.

A small aside: Windows update seems to be stuck trying to download and install KB4343909 over and over.

Update 4: I swapped the weird server RAM for one that was listed on the official supported memory list of AMD's for Ryzen, since a lot of people are pointing to this as the source of the problem. I'll update this post in a couple of days to let everyone know if the problem seems to have gone away.

Update 5: BSODs have gone away. And so have the force quits. A lot of people have helped me fix this issue but I was forced to choose the one that people might immediately understand as the solution. Many thanks to all.
Sadly Ryzen still has issues with RAM and more often than not needs qualified RAM that has been tested for the motherboard. Is the stick of 16GB RAM on the qualified list for your motherboard? You also are losing a bit due to the fact that you cannot run dual channel mode due to the single stick but that should not be causing BSOD's...


Please find here:
Let me know if there's anything else you'd like.
Also, as I just mentioned by updating the original post, I just had a "attempted to write to read only memory" BSOD.
Thanks in advance.
Gonna fully admit that I went with the cheapest RAM the guy at the shop quoted. It looks like a stick used in cheap OEM builds. Says Samsung on it.


IS there a code number next to the Samsung print?
Hey, not today but did run it the a couple of days back when the issue was acute but the test found no issues.

Honestly, I plan to add another stick of 16 gigs later and I don't want all my slots occupied cause I'm worried about heat and dust, which is an issue where I live. You think it's okay if I go with a single corsair vengeance of gigs instead?

CAS latency value is too low.
Go into BIOS and increase it.
For start increase it to 18. Test stability.
If you still get errors increase CAS Latency some more to 19, 20, 21 until errors stop.

And set Command rate to 1T.
2T value is to be used with 4 modules (not single module).
Have done as instructed and will incrementally increase CAS latency until issue is resolved, as advised.

Here's a picture of the serial code. Thanks in advance.

A local store in my city. It's usually cheaper in the market than online in my country. Honestly, didn't even notice that the RAM wasn't a HyperX or a Vengeance until it was all assembled but I didn't think it would be an issue since I'm not too worried about out and out performance. Also, got it for cheap meant that I had room in the budget for some extra bells and whistles.

But if you think that's the source of the issue, I'll have it exchanged for HyperX or something. Though, at the moment, I'm trying the method advised by SkynetRising and I did have a BSOD but it's still doing better than before.


More than understand and fingers crossed SkynetRising's solution will sort out the issues as timmings are very different on this RAM and with a bit of luck it will be okay...
I did as instructed and while this stopped the gaming issues, the BSODs are still an issue, so I'm going back to the shop for a Corsair Vengeance or Kingston HyperX. What values should would I ideally see when I hook up the new ram and check the BIOS? I'm gonna be sticking with a single stick of 16gigs.
Also, what is the lowest frequency I can go to without bottlenecking the processor?

First thing, if you can get 2 x 8GB sticks that would be so much better as you would be running in Dual channel mode...much, much better...

In terms of timings etc, here's a page from my UK store Overclockers that will give you an idea (just for ideas as what to get) for say 2666 or even 2400 or all the way to 3000MHZ + which should all work very well with your 2600x at CAS latencies starting as low as 15 and 16...
Sorry, I forgot to check in on the thread and I went with a single stick. But I did manage to find one that was on the official supported list of AMD for Ryzen. A Corsair Vengeance. I do plan to get another stick later, so it will be dual channel within a couple of months.
I'll let you all know if there are any BSODs.