Brand new RX 580 getting hotter than before


Oct 13, 2013
So basicly i bought a brand new MSI armor RX 580 8GB like a month ago and i was getting pretty decent temperatures considering this is probably the worst cooler for this card. Now without any changes on my system the card is starting to throttle.

First couple weeks 100% Load on PUBG = 75~76ºc with OC (no voltage increase)
Than added two 120mm fans on top of the PCB = 72~73ºc

In the last week i started to notice the temperatures increasing 1ºc per day or so.

Today same scenario im getting 79º~81ºc WITH a more agressive fan curve profile!

Curious thing is for example Far cry 5 or heaven benchmark the temperatures dont go over 75ºc on 100% load!

Edit 1: my room temperature is the same as before, and i did overvolt the card before but because it wasnt stable i put it at stock voltage.
Also, i did reeinstall de drivers, removed it from slot, cleaned it, put it back on, etc.
Some AMD cards have had thermal paste issues due to factory installed thermal paste being spread too thick. MSI won't void your warranty if you apply your own thermal paste. I've had this issue with my R 390x and after changing the paste got 20c lower temps. If that doesn't help contact MSI for an RMA.
Have you scanned your rig for malware? There are actually some little nasties floating around that will use GPUs to "mine" for others.

Also, have you attempted to overclock anything (CPU, GPU, memory)? Have you checked your system for excess dust/hairballs/dust-bunnies and verified that all of your fans are still spinning?
My CPU has been OC'ed for some years now, and ya i did OC the card but i also tried it at stock factory settings and it still hotter than before.
i will scan for malware but is it possible that because i tried to overvolt the card now it just runs hotter even at stock voltage? or that cannot be possible?

PS: my pc is dust free and all fans are spinning

Edit: removed malware, no change
Some AMD cards have had thermal paste issues due to factory installed thermal paste being spread too thick. MSI won't void your warranty if you apply your own thermal paste. I've had this issue with my R 390x and after changing the paste got 20c lower temps. If that doesn't help contact MSI for an RMA.
im pretty sure i'll void the warranty if i remove the cooler, but ya i agree with you, it probably is the thermal paste since nothing has changed on my system, maybe it got some bubbles?
No, the factory installed paste is too thick most likely. I've contacted MSI for my R9 390x, they said reapplying thermal past won't void the warranty. Call them yourself. Question where did you install the 2 new fans? Are they intake or exhaust? Top of you case exhaust is best, side panel intake is good. That's how I set mine up. Have you checked for dust?

i set them 1 cm above the cards PCB pulling the hot air upwards, it decreased 3~4ºc on the GPU
I also have had my side panels removed since it decreases another 2 degrees overall on the whole system (i have a great airflow case)
Theres no dust on my system btw