'Brass Tactics' Brings Tabletop RTS Gaming To VR Battlefield

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I don't get it, how is this and others like it are even called vr? I mean its just you sitting and pointing at things, your only first person is you standing and clicking on stuff.

<<Mod edit for language>>
Jaber2 you are correct in a technical sense, but the thing you can't get without actually trying is the 'immersion' or 'presence' you feel. Clearly it could be played on a traditional monitor with a mouse, but it would not be nearly as fun simply because of this presence... it has to be experienced to fully understand it, trust me!

Hoofhearted: Ditto on hating exclusives... this is super-stupid!! (Also a Vive owner.)
Waiting for someone to mod the camera/controls of something like SC or civ or AOE so you can play those in VR. I think first person is the holy grail but RTS could be really great with the tech they have now.
Exclusives are a terrible idea for a fringe device. I know they want to capture more of the market than their competition. However they really need to band together to grow the platform as a whole to make sure it doesn't fail. The best thing they could do is have one API they all use and have every game compatible for all platforms.
One device is not going to rule them all in this space, rather their success is mutually linked.
Also a Vive owner but one that can't play much at all due to motion sickness. Turns out if you were a bad motion sick kid then this isn't the experience your looking for.
I always thought this was the type of game VR needed. No motion sickness, for one thing. Plus, you could always warp down to the field and see things from your army's point of view. Or watch battles from either a closer vantage point or more of a bird's eye view.

I expect RTS will be one of the faster genres to embrace VR, once the advantages are appreciated.
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