Breadboarding Has Twice Failed Me

Aug 4, 2018
A few weeks ago I assembled the components for a new PC, constructed it in case -- it wouldn't post. I took it out and breadboarded it -- still wouldn't post. Nor would the case speaker beep. The fans did spin, however. I reset CMOS, fiddled around with the ram and the monitor, and in the end threw my hands up and assumed it was the motherboard's fault.

A few weeks later, i.e. today, I got my new motherboard and constructed my second PC, this time outside of the case. I did this just now, actually. Most sadly for me it yields the exact same result, no post. I am at a loss.

I am not entirely sure what my possible problem can be narrowed down to. Does the lack of beeping indicate that the ram and cpu must both be fine? If that is so then that leaves only one other potential problem: me. But I followed the instructions super meticulously, watched and read a ton of tutorials and walkthroughs. The process of breadboarding isn't even very complicated, there only a small number of steps. So I can't imagine I did anything wrong, either. What in Yog Sothoth could my problem be?

Ryzen 3 2200g
ASrock AB350 Pro4 / ASrock B450M Pro4 (first and second MOBO)
Team Elite Plus 2x8GB DDR4 2400 SDRAM
EVGA Bronze 600W PSU
Forgot to plug in 4/8 pin CPU power plug.
PSU 24-pin connector some pin(s) not straight/bent.
Bad CPU.
AMD still use pins? inspect for bent pins carefully.
I hear now some Mobos can only accommodate certain CPUs, having the proper socket not enough.
The mobo didn't come with a speaker, but the case/chassis did. I'm sure the power cables are on correctly as I've assembled and disassembled my set-ups a variety of times with great care. The CPU pins are likewise perfectly straight to the naked eye; I inspected them minutely with a magnifying glass, held them up to the sun and looked through the rows, etc. Just assume I've ruled out all of the newbie mistakes -- I've read that sticky-guide and have spent a lot time patiently troubleshooting things.

The reason I only RMAed the mobo was because I heard mobos have a high likelihood of being the source of failure and CPUs a low likelihood.

But just to clarify, the lack of any beeps at all (assuming everything is hooked up correctly) indicates, absolutely indicates, either a problem with CPU or with MOBO (rather than ram)? And since I've already replaced the MOBO...
It started booting suddenly and surprisingly from my breadboard setup this morning. The only changes I made from last night were: I took the battery out and tested it with a volt checker, then put it back in; I took out a ram module and put in a different one (I had done this before); I put in a graphics card and plugged the monitor into that (it continued booting when I took the graphics card out and re-attached the cable to the APU, however). Does anyone want to take a gander at what the responsible change was?