Breadboarding without a speaker?

pater familias

May 24, 2011
How can you breadboard without a speaker?

I have a 4-pin speaker, but from my search on TH there's no where on the ASRock B85M-ITX to connect it.

I tried connecting it across the HDLED+/- and Reset pins. But powering on just the MB + CPU/HSF all I get is the CPU fan and PSU fan running.
If there is no speaker hookup, the board must have a built in speaker somewhere. But beyond that, you only need to hear beep codes if something is wrong. When breadboarding you need to install the CPU and memory and plug in your monitor, if there is no onboard video, you need to install the GPU as well so you can hook up the monitor. Connecting a speaker to the wrong pins serves no useful purpose, and could short something out that is not supposed to be shorted out and end up damaging your board, don't do that.

No, that was a typo.

I stated i my OP that it doesn't have speaker pins. So the question remains how can you breadboard without a speaker?

I'm not installing it in a case yet. I am trying to breadboard a NEW build.

But it doesn't appear to have a place to connect one of these... is how you troubleshoot during breadboarding.

Yes, I had already read that before starting this thread. Did you see the last post in that thread? Apparently there's no way to connect one of the little tiny speakers to this board.

That's why I started this thread...what do you do if you want to breadboard a MB that won't allow you to connect a speaker anywhere?

My new build is working now, but I'd still be interested in the answer to that question.