
Sep 10, 2006

Hello, I have an issue that may or may not have a fix. I have a computer that at one time used a broadband internet connection. When I aquired the machine, I had to go to dialup because broadband is not available in the area. After installing the dialup settings, I have no problem getting on line and using IE6. My problem is: when I am connected to the net, across the top of the page, it names the web page as it should, yet it says "Internet Explorer provided by (Broadband Provider Name). For some reason,I believe that the former providers settings are overriding my new settings, because the bps speed is quite less than par with my other machine. The broadband had an external modem, which plugged in the back of the machine in the "ethernet" slot, my dialup of course is plugged in the "line in slot". Both of my machines share the same phone line "but not at the same time". I have contacted the previous broadband provider to see if there were settings that I needed to "undo" on their behalf, and they as much told me to figure it out myself because I am not a customer of theirs. (Nice attitude). Can anyone give me any advice. My OS is Windows XP Home As always, Thanks in advance.


Jan 31, 2006
If you haven't done so, check for spyware, a good chance that you're old ISP put some tracking software on your machne. Also be sure to clean you cache, cookies and internet temp files.


Jan 31, 2006
Have you tried uninstalling IE6 and reinstalling it from Microsoft. That message sounds like the old ISP may have modified IE. Also, you could try Firefox, which a lot of people prefer to IE.


There is a registry hack that you can do to change the IE bar to say what ever you want. Thats all they did more than likely.
Try reinstalling IE like g-paw said.