Broken LG Monitor


Nov 5, 2013
Hi, I am not very technical, but I tried to remove the stand on my LG LED 24en33 monitor. It requires that you take the entire thing apart, and then unscrew it from the inside. After unscrewing and removing the stand, I also pulled out the white ribbon and severed the connection. Is there anyway to put this white ribbon back in? Or did I break it? I put the white ribbon back in to the best of my ability but the monitor is still broken. Thank you for any help you may be able to give.
There are a few different types of ribbon cable connections, most use a slider of sorts to loosen/tighten, others flip up. Probably the best way to see how the various connectors work is to watch a few videos of laptop disassembly (laptops use most types of ribbon cables). I would think from there you would have an idea of how to put it back properly

I ended u completely jerry rigging it with a pencil and a highlighter cap and some tape, and so far it works. However, when it inevitably stops working, I will break out the videos and try to fix it properly.