Broken lines across screen on startup...need help to identify the problem!

Sep 5, 2018

Recently purchased a couple new components for my new build. Here is a break down of my set up

Motherboard : Asus h370 f
CPU : I7 8700k
GPU : Asus strix gtx 980ti
AIO : Corsair H100i v2
PSU : Corsair CX600

This was my first attempt at building on my own so im fairly new to all of this and not 100% confident just yet.

The GPU and PSU were the only components to come from my old build, everything else i bought brand new.

Had some initial problems with start up where i wasnt getting any signal to my monitor/mouse/keyboard. Visited a local tech shop and all was resolved.

All was in working order after id got home and set up. However, when i loaded a game last night, the pc cut out and restarted. After searching online i come across that this could be down to overheating. Therefore today i decided to have a look at the thermal paste situation on the cpu and it didnt look too great. Managed to clean off the old paste and reapply new paste.

First attempt at turning my pc back on, i was greeted with this screen
Tried to google what it could be but hard to get answers as i wasnt sure how to describe it without a picture.

Would really appreciate a hand in identifying what the problem is. Hope its nothing too serious as ive thrown a lot of money at this new build!

Thanks for your help
Turns out it was the GPU!

Took the GPU out and plugged the monitor into the motherboard... no problem at all. Tried reseating the GPU but same thing happened. So, new one it is!

Thanks for your help guys, appreciate it!

Will give that a go and let you know!

Things to note:
1. I'm glad you're making progress in your troubleshooting.
2. If this issue happened after servicing at the tech shop. Bring it back to them.
3. Plug your existing display cable into another port on your graphics card, then try a different port on your monitor.
4. Test different cables between the monitor and the graphics card.
5. If possible, install your graphics card into another computer to see if the issue replicates.
Good luck!

Thanks for your notes, much appreciated.

The problems did start after I had been to the tech shop to initially inquire about the lack of signal to monitor/keyboard/mouse. Not really sure if they could have caused something to go wrong when i left the build with them?

Will try the rest of your suggestions also!



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