Question Broken XFX GTS RX580 tripleX edition


Jul 15, 2019
Hello there,
i am new here, and i would like to ask for some advices about my GPU. Recently i turned on pc and nothing happened. (there were no power shutdowns or something unusual).
After little searching in pc i found out that my setup won't turn on with gpu powercable connected. The rest of the setup is okay. So i tryed oven method which didn't work so now i am trying to find the short and replace broken component. Anybody could tell me where to look for the short ? I am skilled with some elelectronics but measuring continuity is new thing for me, i understand it but don't exacly know what readings should i get from different components.... I have already new card so i would like to repair it and use it in old settup.
Thanks for anything.
PS. when turning pc on withou cable fans spin (on cpu) but no signal, if plugged in i hear something like breaker in PSU then and nothing, then i have to turn off/on PSU and go on ..
yt video of this gpu.
Well if the PC doesn't boot at all, but does boot with the GPU disconnected, then usually you can look at GPU or PSU to be the fault (in most cases).

How old is the GPU?
What make and model PSU do you have?
I already know its GPU, I have tryed it on different system and same result, Dont know exactly but 550W on the old and 600W PSU on testing pc. I am most likely looking for guidance what exactly parts (mosfets,resistors etc..) could be bad or how to measure them (propably with continuity settings on multimeter)
And GPU is old little over 1 Year, was bought as part of the prebuild. (already tryed warranty )