Browser sttutering/freezing while scrolling


May 13, 2011
I have issue with all my internet browsers. When i scroll(its mostly noticable with middle button scroll) at certain points on the page it starts sttuter, skip frames. It almost always happens at same spots. Its mostly noticalble on sites like youtube while scrolling comments for example. It was happening on my old rig and now on the new one, all browsers, windows 7 and 10. Only thing i left to blame is hdd which i didnt changed while upgrading pc.
Disable smooth scrolling in your control panel. Search for internet options in CP, open it and go to the 'Advanced' tab. Go to the 'Browsing' section and find the smooth scrolling option and turn it off. It may help.

I'm aware it may seem counter-intuitive to disable 'smooth' scrolling.
HDD have nothing to blame for, internet pages open up in RAM. Only if you are too short with RAM (or free RAM) would HDD come into play by caching whatever can't fit in free RAM. That and slow internet or even slow server pages come from.
Other possible cause may be too many add-ons in the browser.

Nah, previously i had 4gb and now have brand new 16 gb of ddr 4 with 100mb/s internet connection. on my windows tablet there is no such an issue and its way less powerfull obviously than my 1k $ pc.

page is loaded in, its not internet issue, it sttuters when i scroll, i mean screen jumps or slow downs while scrolling at certain points.
Disable smooth scrolling in your control panel. Search for internet options in CP, open it and go to the 'Advanced' tab. Go to the 'Browsing' section and find the smooth scrolling option and turn it off. It may help.

I'm aware it may seem counter-intuitive to disable 'smooth' scrolling.