Browsers fill up ram when scrolling down on pages on facebook or a page with large amounts of text


Aug 8, 2015
Hello experts, hope your having a wonderful day, I have a question and with your help maybe you can resolve the issue. Also I would like to know if this is a isse or just the computers normal behaviour.

My pc has 16gb of Ram, i7 2600 cpu, GTX 760 gpu.

My problem is when am scrolling down my ram goes over 2gb and my browser slows down. The example I can give is the following:

I was on the nvidia page on facebook and on the side it shows how many years they been on facebook which was from 2015 to 1993. So I was scrolling down from the year of 2015 and looking at there posts and I ended up on year 2011 so thats 4 years of scrolling down in a matter of nearly a hour. My browser started slowing down and going sluggish. I dont know if this is normal behaviour as I have scrolled down to much or is there somthing at hand here that I dont know.

Does facebook and firefox really use over 2gb ram for scrolling down for ages. This happens on all browers by the way. When I experienced this I decided to test in all browsers to see. And it did the same. When I close the browser the ram clears and when I scroll down for a lengthy amount of time the issue starts again.

Thank you any support you may give

As you scroll through a page on the web the browser reads everything on it into memory, pictures, text, ads, all of that so you can access it immeditely, and it can rapidly eat up memory, that's one reason say when you go to an etailer then generally (by default) might show 10 or so items per page and you may have to go through page after page, FB and many other sites just overload you with data

Hello tradesman1 Thank you for your reply. May I ask you for a favour. You have 32gb of ram. If you have facbook can you go on the nvidia's page and start scrolling down from the year 2015 to around 2010 and can you tell me from the task manager how much ram ur using. Thank you, as this will give a conclusive answer to how much ram is being used. I would really appreciate it thank you.

Thank you for your reply kanewolf for your reply. I tried those things and its the same.


Tradesman I have been doing some reasearch, and found Facebook should only use about 300mb to 500mb and mines going over 2gb which slows it and starts going sluggish. Google Crome is fine. But is this a memory leak? and why is it happning in only firefox and facebook. It never use to do this. I tried older versions of firefox and the issue remains. Booting up the pc in safe mode fixes the issue and ram usage is about 500mb to 600mb but I cant seem to figure out what is disabled in safe mode. I decided to re-install the os and install firefox and its still the same. Any light on how to fix this?

PS: I booted firefox in safe mode it still uses large amounts of ram.

Your example (facebook NVIDIA page) is consistent with what I saw. It may be a bug or it may be just the way firefox behaves. I don't believe there is anything you can do other than don't use firefox if you don't like the behavior.
Kanewolf Just to compare my results with urs can you go on the facebook nvidias page and scroll down like you did and can you send me a image of how much ram ur using. I Just want to compare results.

Thank you for all your help

I posted that before -- October 3, 2015 8:29:11 AM

It snot a image, you wrote text, I just want to see what other processes are running with urs to push it up to 2gb thanks