BSOD after logon, CPU Idle high


Nov 5, 2013
So yesterday my desktop wasn't starting up (powering on for a few seconds, then shutting off, no display)

Anyway, I fixed the issue by re-seating the CPU/heatsink and now it powers up fine, however right after you log into Windows a BSOD shows up. When it restarts it boots into the BIOS and the CPU climbs to about 75 celcius, so I assume the BSOD is showing up from a CPU overheat problem.

Only problem is is that with the side case off there is no warm air coming from the heatsink assembly. I have assured that the heatsink is fastened tightly, not sure if maybe there is a temperature sensor issue?

Yes but if you separate the heatsink from the CPU you need to clean off the old thermal paste and re-apply it. If you just stick the heatsink back onto the old thermal paste it will cause overheating.