BSOD an ongoing long term problem, please help!


Jan 22, 2013
For about two months now i have been getting the blue screen of death, at first i was worried but so far all it has proved to be is a minor nuisance, so far i haven't really gone past google in trying to fix this untill now, back to the point, what was very curious to me was that the BSOD doesn't seem to be provoked in any way, it occurs randomly, completely unpredictable, however it does occur regularly, anywhere between 3 times a day, once a day and once every few days. The only thing i can think of that has provoked it has been virus scans, about half way through it is guaranteed to crash, which made me think it was some unique virus, but when i tried the scan in safe mode after several failed attempts in normal it completed with nothing coming up excluding some cookies, the BSOD isn't the same one over and over either, here's a list of the BSOD i get;

- Bad_pool_Header

- Memory_management

- Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area

- Modification of a system code or critical structure has been detected

- IRQL_no_less_or_equal

now at the start i only got the first three, after about a month the fourth one popped up, now just today this 5th one popped up which is what prompted me to actually try to fix this, i took a look at some of the other threads and the typical information you are asked for, i put it below;

This is the DxDiag:

This is the Whocrashed report:

This is the CPU-Z report:

I appreciate any and all the help i can get, for any who take the time to help, I Thank You
Hmm, your Whocrashed keeps barking about the Kernel and Memory Management, although it is trying to claim it is not likely hardware, I would go ahead and try running Memtest and see if that produces any errors, or I would possibly try reducing the number of RAM sticks, maybe just down to individual sticks, to see if you still experience the blue screen. I would also guess some sort of driver is bad, but generally it will point you to something that would indicate that however your dump simply keeps complaining about ntoskrnl.exe, the kernel. If Memtest is good I would look into removing some drivers, especially if you can track down any significant updates around the time this started, and last case I would try a Windows reinstall.
Try removing a stick so you only have one in, and try and replicate the problem. If it still happens, switch the stick for the other, and try and replicate again. If the problem does not replicate when only 1 stick is in, you can probably assume the other stick is going bad.
The problem isn't predictable or able to be provoked so that wont work well, however i ran the memtest today and found one of my sticks to be faulty, im getting some more ram to replace it, however im not sure but i have a hunch that some of the ram slots may be faulty and shorting out the ram ruining it.

I will notify you guys if the problem continues which i suspect it will because i doubt ram was the only problem, i still think there may be a problem with some of my drivers
According to your dumps it definitely looked like RAM to me, whether it is the RAM, the slots, or the controller, I am fairly sure that's where your issue is. Windows loves to simply point blame at bad drivers, but it is not always the case.