bsod and disk read error


Nov 9, 2013
What happened:
Trying to update windows 10
Suddenly 2 updates failed
I tried retry, then bam bsod, couldn't get an error out of it
I restart
I get hit with disk read error
Thinking hdd probably died, I swap out to a back up
Back up boots fine, but on win 7
I upgrade it to windows 10 and run it for half a day
While playing a game, it suddenly bsod on me
Bsod says memory management
I restart, and new disk gets hit with read error again
I'm thinking maybe it's the cables, so I replace that and give the hdd it's own power
*Previously had hdd sharing power from one line
I put in the old hdd and now it boots fine too
hd tune says the hdd are ok
I decide to run memory diagnostics
Diagnostics says there's no problems

It's only been up for a couple of minutes so far, but what do I do if it happens again? I'm guessing it would be something to do with the motherboard at that point. I didn't get any system errors on the new hdd on event viewer prior to the memory bsod.
If you get an error on your hard drive, sometimes it is not the hard drive at all that is at fault.
The memory error you got can point to a problem with the Cpu and it not being seated in the cou socket of the motherboard correctly, Either a pin or landing pad of the cpu is not contacting with the contact of the cpu socket when you fitted the cpu to it.

The other error can be memory related, if data becomes corrupted due to bad memory the result of saving the data from the memory to the local HD can make it look like the HD is at fault.

You should check the Hard disk first. then check that all of the settings located on a sticker of the memory are correct in your bios. The speed, Timing settings, and voltage settings based on if you have the memory at stock speed or frequency or is set to XMP memory mode by the option that should be turned on in your bios first.
If you failed to enable XMP mode in the bios and the memory has an xmp setting it will cause errors if you tried to set it at the memory maximum related quoted speed.
If you do still get errors then its time to check both the underside of your cpu chip and the cpu socket of the motherboard for broken or missing pins, or bad pads of the Cpu and leef contacts of the cpu socket again for bent, missing or broken contacts.

Turns out it was a dying psu. I found out too late and it took out my main hdd along with it. MB/2nd hdd seems to be fine. Gpu is unknown until I can get another psu with the proper wattage.

Something I noticed before it croaked is that windows was loading/responding unusually slow. So if that ever happens to someone, chances are your psu is gonna die soon.