BSOD BCC Code 124


Jul 12, 2015
Hey guys. I constantly get BSOD's with BCC Code 124. It used to happen once or twice a week, but it has gotten progressively worse and now happens sometimes twice or three times in a single day.

Solutions I've Tried:

Mem test
HDD tests
Replaced PSU
Updated all drivers (as far as I know)

Here is the dmp file:

Any insight?

Thanks for taking time to reply to my post! I really appreciate the help!

Here are my hardware specs:


Tried the following after your post:

virus scan
gfx driver reinstallation
safe mode repair

All of the above checked clear. The only issue I had was during uninstall of the display drivers I experienced a BSOD with the error code of 3b.

Here is that dmp file:

After recovering from that BSOD it appears that I successfully uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them. If you have any software recommendation to double check that I think that would be a good idea.

I will refrain from installing other software while we troubleshoot this and I will keep you posted if the driver reinstall may have solved my problem.


Still getting BSOD.

Here's the latest dmp:

Are we at the point that we should try an OS reinstall?

Thanks again!


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