BSOD BCCode 124


Sep 7, 2013
Been getting a BSOD ever since installing a new GPU, the gtx 560-

It's not actually a BSOD, but the computer has been restarting on its own once every day or two. Also of note is that the computer sometimes freezes for periods of 5-10 seconds, which sometimes results in the mouse graphic getting stuck as a certain shapes despite what it hovers over.

Obviously all of this points to some sort of driver problem with my GPU, but after a few clean sweeps and multiple restarts, I just want to ask this awesome community what it thinks. The .dmp file for the most recent crash is as follows:

"090713-44296-01.dmp 9/7/2013 6:06:17 PM 0x00000124 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`080794f8 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 hal.dll hal.dll+f790 x64 ntoskrnl.exe+4ade7c C:\Windows\Minidump\090713-44296-01.dmp 3 15 7601 262,144 9/7/2013 6:06:32 PM