BSoD, can't use safe mode


Oct 17, 2014
Hey all, I have a home built PC from (mostly) 2011, and I started getting BSoDs a couple months back. Mostly on startup, but that was rare, and a restart would normally do the trick. I also noticed it could happen when I used specifically Google Chrome. To me, this sounded like a memory issue. I ran a disk check, and soft checked the ram, and the computer told me everything was all right.

A few days ago, I was enjoying a game, when it crashed due to a CPU overheat. I have never had overheating problems in the past, so I rebooted, hopped back into the game, and pulled up a temp monitor. Sure enough, they were climbing, but before they could get past ~60°C, the game, and server crashed. I tried to join back, but then got my first ever post-startup BSoD that wasn't cause by Chrome. Now, I am unable to startup. I can get to my desktop, but everything loads slow, and BSoD every time, with an inconsistent STOP code. I could go into safe mode a few times, but now I am unable to do even that. I ran my windows disk, but startup repair didn't work, and I had no restore images.

Since this incident, I have also rechecked my ram and HDD, still to no avail.

Any ideas? Sorry for the wall of text, but I figured the more info the better. Thanks in advance for any help!