I built a new pc about a month ago now and it has crashed about 8 or 9 times all with the error code MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION. These crashes occur randomly (idle, in game, browsing the web) and I can not seem to figure out exactly is going on in my case, despite looking at countless threads online.
More info about the crash:
Bug check code: 0x0000009c
Parameter 1: 00000000
Parameter 3: 00000000
Caused by driver: hal.dll
Caused by address: hal.dll+491e1
Crash address: ntoskrnl.exe+1bfcc0
Event ID: 1001
My PC:
Intel Core i5-9600k
Corsair H100i CPU cooler
ASUS Prime Z390-A
Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8) 3000Hz
Samsung QVO SSD 1TB
MSI GeForce RTX 2070
Corsair RMx 750 W 80+ Gold
Windows 10 64-bit
BIOS Vers. 1105
I have already tried these things to fix this issue but they have not worked:
Any opinions, suggestions, or solutions would be greatly appreciated. This is getting quite annoying at this point, thanks.
More info about the crash:
Bug check code: 0x0000009c
Parameter 1: 00000000
Parameter 2: ffff9a81
a554ccd0Parameter 3: 00000000
Parameter 4: 00000000
00000000Caused by driver: hal.dll
Caused by address: hal.dll+491e1
Crash address: ntoskrnl.exe+1bfcc0
Event ID: 1001
My PC:
Intel Core i5-9600k
Corsair H100i CPU cooler
ASUS Prime Z390-A
Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8) 3000Hz
Samsung QVO SSD 1TB
MSI GeForce RTX 2070
Corsair RMx 750 W 80+ Gold
Windows 10 64-bit
BIOS Vers. 1105
I have already tried these things to fix this issue but they have not worked:
- Windows 10 reset
- Update GPU drivers
- Update BIOS utilities, chipset, LAN, audio drivers
- Enable/disable XMP settings for my memory, trying both auto BIOS settings and manual at 3000Hz (its possible I just still don't have some of these setting correct. and yes the voltage is at 1.35)
- Disabled conflicting audio drivers
- Update windows and all other system drivers I could find in device manager
- Ran memtest86+ through multiple passes on both sticks together and separately without error
- Disabled fast startup
Any opinions, suggestions, or solutions would be greatly appreciated. This is getting quite annoying at this point, thanks.