I need help, everytime I turn my desktop on it will give me a blue screen of death, seemingly at random.
I used bluescreen view and it said that the reason my blue screens were happening was because of a driver called Ntoskernel.exe.
I used DDU to cleanly install nvidia drivers, used mem test 86, scanned my computer for viruses using trend micro (which i normally close after logging on), used crystal disk to look at my SSD health (which was fine), used chkdsk and sfc scannow in command prompt, and updated windows 11.
My build:
Cpu: intel i9900kf (overclocked to 5ghz long before any problems occurred)
Gpu: asus rog 2080 ti
Ram: 2x t-force nighthawk rgb ram + 2x corsair vengeance pro (all 4 sticks can go up to 3200mhz but I have it at 2666mhz because that is the most my cpu supports)
Motherboard: rog strix z390-f
Psu: Antec HCG 850
I used bluescreen view and it said that the reason my blue screens were happening was because of a driver called Ntoskernel.exe.
I used DDU to cleanly install nvidia drivers, used mem test 86, scanned my computer for viruses using trend micro (which i normally close after logging on), used crystal disk to look at my SSD health (which was fine), used chkdsk and sfc scannow in command prompt, and updated windows 11.
My build:
Cpu: intel i9900kf (overclocked to 5ghz long before any problems occurred)
Gpu: asus rog 2080 ti
Ram: 2x t-force nighthawk rgb ram + 2x corsair vengeance pro (all 4 sticks can go up to 3200mhz but I have it at 2666mhz because that is the most my cpu supports)
Motherboard: rog strix z390-f
Psu: Antec HCG 850