BSOD dump Windows 7


Jan 29, 2011
How do I learn what to do?

I download a program to read the dump file. It says:

Critical Object Termination
Crash address: ntoskrnl.exe+70380
caused by driver ntoskrnl.exe

Is this a memory related issue?

I ran the Windows memory checker, and I didn't get any errors.

Every morning when I start my machine, it will BSOD as it is going into Windows. This is after I enter my password and it is taking about 3 minutes to fully start Windows recognize my internet...etc

Hopefully I will be able to start tomorrow morning. Many times the BIOs only will appear. It normally wants a cold boot to get me to the dual boot menu. I have Linux installed as well as Windows 7. I usually to the Repair computer option or go into Windows safe mode. Then I exit and try to loan full Windows version. It will usually do this after several attempts. It is just really frustrating because it takes at least 20 minutes to deal with this in the morning every day.

Any suggestions are appreciated

try this here i think it might helps

just the steps without download the Run Driver Easy thing...
try this here i think it might helps

just the steps without download the Run Driver Easy thing...
Please do not follow the drivereasy link in regards to drivers, the software may make things worse.

Follow, upload the zip and post a share link.

really?? have you seen what the link talks about? there are steps that help to solve his problem there is not any 3d program that install or like that its just information... dont judge others answers so fast...
Please read my post again, I specifically wrote 'in regards to drivers' as I talk about the part where drivers are involved. That part is about using the software to update drivers if you don't have time or the 'skills'. I advice against the part where the software is involved.