BSOD: Dumping Physical Memory


Jun 15, 2009
I have had the BSOD: Dumping phusical memory error when I was just browsing the internet, I have looked around for an answer and found that an OC might cause this BSOD. The only thing that is OC'd is my 4850 from 650/1000 to 675/1075 -ish and I have had this prob in vista and win7. any help would be great!

thanks in advance!

EDIT: forgot to write my specs
E4500 @ 2.2GHz
HIS ICE Q4 4850
3 GB DDR2 @ 667MHz
DELL FOXCONN nothing can be OC'd in BIOS....unfortunatly :/
I dont think its a video problem... sounds like a RAM problem... check your bios for voltage and clock settings... something may not be set right.

some bios have hiden features... (experts only = Crtl + F1) may get u more info tabs in your bios... (Again EXPERTS ONLY) be careful...


could because I got a crucial stick with 2 samsung sticks?
How many times have you had the BSOD?
When you say that you had the same problem in Vista and Win 7, is it in the same computer?

Have you changed any hardware recently?

In my experience, BSOD is caused mostly by hardware problem.
I agree with renegeek that it's mainly RAM. I've had it several times in computers I build, and replacing the RAM solves the problem.

That said, it's not always the RAM either. A motherboard problem, or a harddisk problem can cause BSOD too, but these are rarer than RAM problems.

If you have some spare alternative RAMs, try using those and see how it goes.
Please post the error message that you get ahnd someone will help you out.
If it reboots before you can read it then do this.
goto the control panel and click systemadvanced system settings|advanced|startup and recovery settings.
Make sure the auto restart is not selected.
Then if you get a BSOD it will stop so that you can write down the error message.
3gig is an odd number. Are you mix and matching ? 2-1gig and 2 512 ? Did you try and pull any of the ram and see if it made a difference ? I'd lay money on that as a possible problem. One bad stick can mess things up quite easily.

You said internet....... using Fire Fox ? They have an update for a couple of fixes........ one of them I think was a memory related problem. Check it out. ..... 3.5.3

2 gig same channel and 1 gig alone.
and theres no way in hell to pull any ram out, my 4850 is blocking the way and i cant reach the thing that holds it in.

i never said i dont want to remove the card, i said I CANT, the thing the holds the card inplace is hidden, i cant see it or even move it from the back.
You mean the little plastic thing that holds the back of the video card in down by the mother board ? Just stick your finger under the card and push up or down until the card comes loose....... remove screw that holds it in first. I've already broken a few of those to remove cards......... just pull hard and the little tab will snap off. Won't do any harm but if you don't feel comfortable about it don't do it. Keep working at it or you'll never get your problem fixed.
There is about 250 things that can cause a BSOD.
Without the error code all one can do is guess which one it may be and what is the cause.
Memory issues are only one possible cause but without the code its like looking for something while drunk in a dark room.