itsVance :
Dankdab :
itsVance :
Dankdab :
itsVance :
Its strange that you are getting 3 different BSOD error codes.
Before you attempt to troubleshoot further, you need to back up all of your important files to a USB drive or External Drive. This can save you from crying later.
Its possible you have some corruption in the software on your computer.
This can be a result of failing hardware or corrupt, missing, or incorrect drivers; or something causing one or the other.
Try running up to date Antivirus scans in addition to running malwarebytes antimalware. If your sure you don't have an infection, resetting the operating system without deleting your personal files could help.
I've already completely wiped both drives so its too late for backing up data. also i wouldnt care anyways all i do on the thing is game. and the bsod error codes change all the time. seemingly random. the hdd wouldn't be failing because i took out both my hdd and ssd and replaces it with a working hard drive and that didnt solve the bsod's. I also can't get into the os whatsoever, and yes i have tried making a new windows 10 flash drive and installing it there so it's not the os being corrupted, I've also already tried removing anything unnecsisarry in the pc such as flash drives external hardrives and my gpu etc... any other ideas? like i said. I've tried LITERALLY EVERYTHING, that i can think of. been troubleshooting for 2 months now. still absolutely no idea what the hell is wrong with it.
Was this computer designed for windows 10 or did it have a previous version of windows on it?
itsVance :
A trick when memory modules appear to be failing is to insert them and remove them several times to scrub the pins clean and get a better connection. If it doesn't help, you could try replacing the RAM with the latest modules supported by your board. Make sure they are replaced in sets.
already tried replacing the ram 3 times and swapping then around several times in the dimm slots each time.
Did you scrub the pins like I suggested? Simply replacing it 3 times may not do it. IF it is the memory connector on the motherboard, using the RAM module to 'scrub' the pins on the mobo would take maybe 10 insertions and removals of the same modules in the same slots. It helps to make sure tarnish or corrosion is removed from the slot on the motherboard.
I'd really doubt there would be corrosion on a brand new motherboard but I will try this, what do you mean "Scrub" like with a paper towel or something, I've never taken apart a motherboard before, so like I would have no idea how to scrub them,
Also if you two think its purely hardware being faulty, such as mb or psu. I can just get free replacements through amazon without a problem, would save me some the trouble.