Bsod i7 4790k

May 28, 2018
Hi everyone, I have a problem with my i7 4790k and my new setup , it works for around 3 minutes and then bsod.
I already updated the bios.
usually bsod appears when I run a game or open an installer. If I open YouTube I can watch videos for around 10 minutes before freezing and bsod.
The bsod says: whea_uncorrectable_error , I ran memtest86 and the memory is okay.
My setup: win 8.1
CPU: i7 4790k
Graphics: none
Ram memory: 8gb hyperx
HDD: 1tb we
Power supply: 750W
Motherboard: Asus sabertooth mark2
Or Asus h97m plus

My temps are around 40°C and vcore=1.3v (stock not overclocked) if I use vcore= 1.2v the computer doesn't starts , its gives me bsod before windows starts
Playing with vcore i can use YouTube for around 15 minutes ( 1.35v)
The CPU is used , I buyed it 5 months ago.... I hope someone can help me
before you download win 10, you might try shutting computer down and removing all ram sticks except for the one in "A1" slot,. then reboot fully into windows for a few minutes, shut down and re-install the remaining ram stick

actually it works fine for around 2 hours, depending on what applications i open.... Should i remove the rams everytime i shut down the pc?

hi , actually i adjusted de load line calibration LLC and i can use it for around 2 hours without problem and then BSOD or you think that moving to Win10 will solve it??why? what is wrong with 8.1?


well i changed the LLC from 5 to 3 , vcore from 1.3v to 1.128v synchronizing all cores to x40 , for now it is the best configuration i tried , but still gettin bsod or frezzing after 1 or 2 hours .... temps are ok according to Asus panel and Realtemps. as i say in the first post , the stock configuration was terrible


at the end , i contacted Intel support because nothing seems to work, so they ask me for some info like the serial number, TPO , etc and make me try some test , then they told me to send the processor for RMA , so i sent it.
The warranty expired on june 2018 , but i sent it anyways as they tell me nothing about that , and now i am wainting to see if they send a replacement or not. (i don't think that they are going to send a new one after the warranty expired , but i will wait)