BSOD IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x0000000a ntoskrnl.exe

it is still the realtek audio driver that has the problem. go to msi and update the driver if and maybe the BIOS if you can.
otherwise, you might be able to go into windows control panel, device manager, find the audio device and disable its power management functions (low power link states/sleep)

for power management problems often it is bugs in BIOS and/or the drivers (you have to update both to get a good fix)

disable any high definition sound devices that you don't have speakers connected to.
for example, use control panel, device manager to disable your graphics card high definition audio if you don't get sound to your monitor via your HDMI cable.

if you don't use the motherboard sound device, disable it in BIOS

when done disabling any unused sound device, go to BIOS and change any BIOS hardware setting, and change it back and reboot. This will force most BIOSs to rebuild the database of hardware settings it sends to windows and can resolve these type of hardware conflicts. Also update the driver for the motherboard sound if you use it, it is too old a version.

most likely your motherboard hd sound driver has a conflict with another high def sound driver

Realtek HiDefinition Audio driver (file labelled as Creative Audio Driver)
update this file:
Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\MBfilt64.sys
Image name: MBfilt64.sys
Timestamp: Thu Jul 30 20:40:32 2009
My apologies, I should have mentioned this is a MSI laptop. I get this BSOD most of the time when it comes out of sleep mode (other times it straight up crashes). It also freezes when coming out of hibernation.

I tried disabling all non-used drivers, and then all of them together. It would just crash after trying to come out of sleep mode and reboot saying it was an unexpected shutdown. Once into windows all the stuff I disabled is enabled again.

I couldn't find any hardware settings in the BIOS as far as I could tell. I even updated the Realtek driver and same thing 🙁
it is still the realtek audio driver that has the problem. go to msi and update the driver if and maybe the BIOS if you can.
otherwise, you might be able to go into windows control panel, device manager, find the audio device and disable its power management functions (low power link states/sleep)

for power management problems often it is bugs in BIOS and/or the drivers (you have to update both to get a good fix)
