[SOLVED] BSOD irql_not_less_or_equal ntoskrnl.exe+3f5210 Help.


Aug 1, 2015
I just got 2 BSOD with the errors

HYPERVISOR_ERROR ntoskrnl.exe+3f5210
irql_not_less_or_equal ntoskrnl.exe+3f5210

I recently Installed a new GPU ZOTAC RTX 3090 Trinity, and PSU Corsair RM850X. and i am getting this error. I am not an expert on how to analyze the minidump files, and looking around i found these error could be caused by driver issues or memory problems? I don't know where to go from this knowledge. I checked the memory via windows memory check and it completed without errors. Got the latest drivers of everything, and...really don't know where to go

My rig is
CPU: I7 8700K OC at 4.7Ghz
Mobo: MSI Z370 Gaming Plus
GPU: ZOTAC RTX 3090 Trinity
PSU: Corsair RM850X
RAM: 16GB Corsair DDR4


I hope someone can help me
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Well, the two copies of the overclock software is a problem but not likely the cause of this bugcheck.
you had a cpu core that was just doing a idle loop and right in the middle of the loop this command was inserted:


it just should not have been there, it is a function that sets a block of memory so some value.
the system ran the command but the location it was trying to write to was not currently in memory
so the system tried to get it but it broke the rules and windows blocked it by calling a bugcheck.

It is like you cut in to a apple and pulled out a orange, very unexpected.
maybe the start of a malware infection.

I will see if i can see anything else but a minidump really does not show much except what is...
I just got 2 BSOD with the errors

HYPERVISOR_ERROR ntoskrnl.exe+3f5210
irql_not_less_or_equal ntoskrnl.exe+3f5210

I recently Installed a new GPU ZOTAC RTX 3090 Trinity, and PSU Corsair RM850X. and i am getting this error. I am not an expert on how to analyze the minidump files, and looking around i found these error could be caused by driver issues or memory problems? I don't know where to go from this knowledge. I checked the memory via windows memory check and it completed without errors. Got the latest drivers of everything, and...really don't know where to go

My rig is
CPU: I7 8700K OC at 4.7Ghz
Mobo: MSI Z370 Gaming Plus
GPU: ZOTAC RTX 3090 Trinity
PSU: Corsair RM850X
RAM: 16GB Corsair DDR4



I hope someone can help me
files not shared for public access
you have two copies of the overclocking software being run from different directories.
you should delete them both. (one might be ok, but never 2 since they would both take turns tweaking settings)

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Lib\SYS\NTIOLib_X64.sys Sun Jul 9 18:51:14 2017 (5962DD92)
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Mystic_Light\Lib\NTIOLib_X64.sys Sun Jul 9 19:13:57 2017 (5962E2E5)

just looked at one minidump, the system was just doing a idle loop and right in the middle of it it tried to set a block of memory to some value. the memory block was invalid so a bugcheck was called.

remove the overclock software and post a new memory dump if you get one. I have to go for a few hours.
there are other issues with the driver list but remove the overclock software first.

you can use the microsoft tool autoruns to remove the drivers. google "sysinternals autoruns" and you can get a copy.
find the driver in the list and delete the entry, or run a uninstaller and uset autoruns to make sure it is removed.
later you can add one copy back if you want to.
Just removed both sys with Autoruns and I honestly hope i won't have other minidump to post.

In the mean time tho, can i ask what program did you use to take a read at the minidump I uploaded, and find out all that information?

If that was the cause of the BSOD (and i hope it was), i would NEVER have found out about it
Just removed both sys with Autoruns and I honestly hope i won't have other minidump to post.

In the mean time tho, can i ask what program did you use to take a read at the minidump I uploaded, and find out all that information?

If that was the cause of the BSOD (and i hope it was), i would NEVER have found out about it

Well, the two copies of the overclock software is a problem but not likely the cause of this bugcheck.
you had a cpu core that was just doing a idle loop and right in the middle of the loop this command was inserted:


it just should not have been there, it is a function that sets a block of memory so some value.
the system ran the command but the location it was trying to write to was not currently in memory
so the system tried to get it but it broke the rules and windows blocked it by calling a bugcheck.

It is like you cut in to a apple and pulled out a orange, very unexpected.
maybe the start of a malware infection.

I will see if i can see anything else but a minidump really does not show much except what is going on with one CPU core.
Well, the two copies of the overclock software is a problem but not likely the cause of this bugcheck.
you had a cpu core that was just doing a idle loop and right in the middle of the loop this command was inserted:


it just should not have been there, it is a function that sets a block of memory so some value.
the system ran the command but the location it was trying to write to was not currently in memory
so the system tried to get it but it broke the rules and windows blocked it by calling a bugcheck.

It is like you cut in to a apple and pulled out a orange, very unexpected.
maybe the start of a malware infection.

I will see if i can see anything else but a minidump really does not show much except what is going on with one CPU core.
here are some of your drivers that could cause problems:

cfosspeed6, generally you will not want or need this.
network packet shaping driver to speed up the internet (i would remove it)
\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\cfosspeed6.sys Fri Nov 6 10:29:07 2020

really old driver
\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\jaksta_va.sys Wed Apr 11 02:29:19 2012

not sure about this one:
MICSYS Technology Co., Ltd..( motherboard LED lights?)
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\MsIo64.sys Wed Oct 16 18:19:01 2019

this one is known to corrupt memory, the source in public
it needs to have someone modify the driver and put in a pooltag
which is now required by windows for the last several years, without it you get windows driver corruption problems.
\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\ScpVBus.sys Sun May 5 14:31:26 2013

do not know anything about it.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bignox\BigNoxVM\RT\YSDrv.sys Wed Oct 11 00:00:25 2017

search your drive and find out what this is for:
most likely part of MSI Live update agent i would not run it unless i was actively trying to update files.

bunch of razer drivers installed, they tend to screw up and corrupt memory. most likely it is from the service they install.
they have updates so make sure you update the drivers and the running razer service that runs as a windows service.

i use the windows kernel debugger to look at the crash dumps, set up to read symbols from the microsoft symbol server.
tool is windbg.exe from the windows SDK download.
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